Tours and the Loire 1912

Tours and the Loire, 1912 photos

A French Summer in the Loire, 1912. A comfortably off French family, with employee; photos of Tours; of the Loire; of a horse and cattle-market. A car. A Loire mill. And cars racing.

19th century France meets the 20th Century: motorbikes and cars. The human voice and the way we look, and our world looks, is being recorded for the first time in history: movies and the Kodak folding camera, and the gramophone are signs of a change that will accelerate through the 20s and 30s. But women in the French Republic will have to wait until 1945 before they get the right to vote. And in 1912 film director Jaques Tati is five years old and photographer Jaques Henri Lartigue is eighteen years old.

Now on Pete Grafton/You Tube. Click below.